Friday, June 13, 2008

Sweet Babies

Yes, I'm blogging after midnight! I probably shouldn't drink Diet Mountain Dew at night. I've been looking at old pictures tonight and found the sweetest one of Anna Kate and Parker the day he came home from the hospital. They love each other so much! My mama said that Garrett and I were the same way when we were little. Anna Kate is really a little mama to her brother. She helps him so much and he has always looked up to her. I hope that they always have such a close relationship. I remember she was so upset two Mother's Days ago because she didn't get a gift. Neil and I explained to her that she has to be a mommy before she can get a gift on Mother's Day. She quickly replied, "But Aunt Cooper calls me Little Mama."


KSH said...

What a beautiful memory for yall to have and share.
Happy Father's Day N
Thanks for the instructions A
have a great weekend we are going to my Dad is coming I will show him your blog so he can see your precious children